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Armoiries des Labrecque Association des Labrecque


Coat of Arms


The Association's coat of arms indicates that our ancestors were initially sailors. In Nouvelle-France they continued this profession but also became farmers.

The symbols in the coat of arms can be described as follows:

A sailing ship, silver anchors, a golden cob, a roaring lion, and sheaves of wheat.

  • The sailing ship is a reminder of the fact that Pierre and Jean were sailor in Normandy (France).
  • The wheat sheaf and the golden corn represent farming as the became pioneer farmers on Ile d'Orléans.
  • The roaring lion represents Normandy (France) the region where they were born.
  • The two anchors indicate them putting down roots in Nouvelle-France.

The slogan Wisdom-Work (Sagesse-Travail) are meant as a tribute to our ancestors.

The coat of Arms were designed at the Board of Directors request. They were first published in the "Bulletin de l'Association" 2 (#3), p.10, 1996.

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