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Armoiries des Labrecque Association des Labrecque


Meeting 2023

The 2023 general meeting took place on August 5th, in Quebec city
The gathering was a success. There were 29 participants. The program was very much appreciated:

  1. A play composed and directed by Huguette Labrecque, and hosted by Germain Laprise (her husband) was presented at the beginning. It was the representation of a key moment in the life of our ancestors Pierre and Jean Labrecque: the purchase of their neighboring land on the Ile d'Orléans. The play was performed by HUguette's grand-nephews: Charles-Antoine Desmeules, Guillaume and Vincent Doucet. The audience applauded warmly indicating a great satisfaction.

    Piece de theatre

  2. Then, the Assembly went well. Two new board members were elected. This was followed by a tasty meal.

    Membres du conseil d´administration

    From left to right: Jacques Couture (new member), Marie-France Chabot, André Labrecque and Esther Chabot (new member).
    Missing from the photo: Father Frederick LaBrecque.

  3. Then France Labrecque presented a slideshow of her visit to Dieppe in last June to see the plaque in honor of our ancestors that was inaugurated without us in 2020 and to thank the Dieppois who helped us: mainly Michel Quenel.

    Presentaation de France

  4. Finally, part of the group later travelled to Parliament by bus for a tour.

    Visite du Parlement

    Membre de la Fédéйration des associations de familles du Québec Member of the Fédération des associations de familles du Québec (FAFQ)
    Web Site hosted by FAFQ